all of us dressed for festive times!

all of us dressed for festive times!
I LOVE my family!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

pray without ceasing Not Ceasing without prayer

pray without ceasing not cease without praying.
1Thess 5 :17 tells us in NIV to pray continually
kjv pray without ceasing ... you get the idea
When we pray without ceasing we are in constant thought to our Father in heaven and placing it all with him first and always striving to live in HIS will and be obidient to HIS plan.
When we
Cease without praying or "continually without praying"  we are sometimes picking the will of man and the desires of our flesh. ( no way am i changing scriptures etc just one of my random thoughts as i close out my day with Dinner at 1am cant be good for me) 
So i wanted to share as i started to pray over my dinner at 1am or so i was just randomly wanting to share something i taught myself. :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010


This year MaK was a hip hippy
Noni was a vet and
Wyatt was a Fireman covered in Ash!

They had an awesome party at the church building. We had a nice time with lots of fun yummy treats and prizes. I will post pictures soon when i figure it out! So bare with me.
We also chose not to "trick or treat" today on the Lords day. We celebrated it yesterday and did what we wanted which did NOT involve trick or treating. Barrow county made it known that saturday was the day and no one really abided.
Anyways Happy Halloween.

Mitochondrial disease

I dont talk about Nonis disease or her struggles( i try to stick to basics or facts) but i can tell you how she has touched many folks for the good.
I ONLY talk about the UGLY with close folks in my life.
Did you know that Noni is NOT supposed to see past childhood? Did you know every birthday hurts my heart and takes my breath away! I am scared seneseless of what devices are in my childs body!
Noni since birth has under gone over 150 procedures and still counting. She has been from nothing but seizures to intestional surgery. Tube placements, line repairs replacements, Mri that results always for the need of contrast and sedation...
The world in which i live in can be so overwhelming.
I say all of this because not many people see it.
I listened to my Brother preach his message he prepared a few weeks ago. It was one of the most inspirational and touching.
He talked about our secrets that God always sees them and how we cant hide from the truth. He also talked about in Job where he questioned God.
I really have studied Job more than once but i have never heard it in the way.
He focused on so many key points and my Noni is amazing she writes down and really works hard to keep up with lots of struggle but last night she wrote them all so perfectly in her own little way. I was packing her bag and found notes to the ones she loves and about them,
Here are her letters:
Hey PAW PAW, We are wathin Bruder  Brians and Kritys dog Brodie!

emma nee, did i tell you snugghles died i love you.

Paw paw, i gots meidcade
Nana, igots meidcade!

Why would i write to you about this b.c as a mom this is inspirational too!
I once thought it was  MY WILL that i had to stay ten steps ahead of her disease and when i did that i was setting myself up for Loss HATE and saddness. One day after studying Job it hit me! My father in Heaven LOVES me and my family so MUCH that i need to just STOP and learn to give it all to him.
i feared it for so many years doing such a thing because i felt like i was giving up and he would just take her from this earth. I have never professed perfection nor have i ALWAYS made the perfect choices for my children and Noni. I wanted to do what was right and in my mind i had to justify the means when all the while i needed to step back and let Gods will be done and the only question i should have been asking would be something like Where to? What  next?
Not for me for me and... well you get the idea.:)

So many times i have often wondered and asked Why my child, father? So many folks in the world get healthy perfect children example the Duggers 19+ kids!!!!  Genetically perfect children. So i had to step back and realize what i was asking....
Its a shame that i would even consider asking him why! The correct question is WHY NOT?
I have a beautiful child whom LOVES uncondtionally, lives like no tomorrow and has blessed my life more than i would have ever imagined! I can tell you that all of my kids are such blessings to me and i feel special to be their mom. Even the angel in heaven that i lost i am a better person because of my children.
i have to "pick on" noni tonight.

So back to what i was talking about....
Is that for so many reasons i could be mad angry and even use this situation in my life to turn away from HIM but it has strengthened me and given me a new way to see life. What a blessing this life is to me. I get so many times  " i dont know how you do it" i dont know how you can watch your child suffer" and" i dont know how you handle all the stress"
My answer is always the same. This is my normal and i LOVE my life. I am a wife a mother and most importantly i am a Child of our greatest  creator, God!  I am truly blessed. I once even had someone say to me a terrible thing " why would you have more at the risk of another being sick" my answer is that i am a blessed better person b.c of all of my children and they have taught me so much about life. They are the reason that i am who i am today and a Christian. My sweet MaKenzie introduced me to a life long Friend that happened to be a christian! She introduced me to the True Gospel and converted me and since that so many more have been converted from that one seed planted!
and Noni has taught me how to love more, live more humble as God desires and to STOP asking why and start saying Thank you for each day i get up as scarry as a birthday is for Noni its pure joy for her. For me i have to remember that Gods Grace has delivers. He did NOT HAVE to do that. He did it so i can have an eternity in Heaven with my child already there before me and loved ones and i can be together with all my spiritual family!
Now would i have another child SURE! do i want one? my selfish desires say no but my heart says WHY NOT?
if i weigh the pros and cons of adding to our family the pros by far out weigh the cons and i have always felt un done... Not content. I some times wonder if i am not content because i have a child that is not healthy.

So, i have to say I want Gods will for me in this life NOT my will.
So what ever the plan is as hard as it is i will obide. I will love as if there is no tomorrow, breath as it is my last and repent because i live in this flesh and it gets hard.
I will keep on caring for Noni keep on fighting for every step placed in front of me for her and I will keep on keepin' on!
I often feel less than because i dont have a masters degree but then i remind my self i am a Mom to three beautiful children on this earth, I am a wife and i am a sister to my brethern.
What could be better?
a degree does not make me a better person or gives me all power and knowledge. It just simply means i have another Skill!
School... I am doing very well I am keeping an A-B average and i am working so hard to acomplish my goals. I am working so hard and find my self often falling Short. Lately i have been quick to anger and YELL at my children. I am on new medication and its affecting me and my personality.
please dont take this as complaining. I am not im just simply chitter chattering.

Friday, October 8, 2010

costumes for thought...

so I REALLY wanted to be themes this year. BUT wyatt wants to be a fireman, Noni wants to be a vet, and MaKenzie has NO idea. She wants to be something gross or insane. I think she is stepping into the world to deep.
I would NOT want her to be something Demonic but she picks vampire, zombie, or something gross flesh eating blood sucking... we dont HAVE to allow her to have a costume. She does not realize that trick or treating is NOT a law we abide by.
We do it for fun and part of our culture.
I hope that this goes well today. Why did i blog about it... hummm i dont know it just felt like it was heavy on my chest.
luke  6:45
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks

just a scripture i like today. I like them all! but this one is imoportant and fitting today.

I am learning and growing everyday and I am so grateful for the many blessings in my life.  I wonder what i will do and be when i grow up.....?????

Monday, October 4, 2010

to this humbling moment...

I phoned a friend as she wished for me to as i left my doctors appts today. She is the kind of friend that you can call about anything and EVERYTHING i have so many of them but this one knows just what i am going through.( i have a sister that i am super close to and she is one of my everything friends to you know who you are!) She makes me feel so much better about things and gives me strength and shows me that there are folks in this world that have beautiful children genetically perfect as they can be and she as a mom realizes that and still extends her love and heart to my situation. Still is mindful of what i am going through. Now keep in mind she is NOT the only one but today she is the one i am "picking" on :)
When i called her she said, " Hey Heather Can i call you back i am at the cemetary visiting with my mom."
I hung the phone up and this humbled me in such a manner to give thanks in prayer to my heavenly father that even though my life has been picked with so many trials with disease etc i have my mom. She is not laying in a place 12 hours away and she can hug my babies. She was there for me to grow up. She was there in the physical sense. So sobbing and praying for my friend i realized another blessing in my life today. I realized another thing i take for granted. I am so grateful for the love of my family. I love my family (spiritual to) so much and i am so blessed. God is so good to me and my family. I am a blessed woman.
I really realized that i fall short in my life with complaints that are not important when it comes to my family. They are NOT perfect and NOR am I! This is the life God gave me and let me tell you my friend LOVES her life she is amazing the strength of ten men she is an amazing mother and has perfected loving her children and being a mom ( we all have our flaws but how i love my friend)  I just wanted to share today that even though relationships are flawed not perfect and sometimes the worst they could EVER be  if we have the option to call our mom hug them or a simple visit to say i love you or what can we do for them. We should do all we can for we are NOT promised a tomorrow. We are only given one mom and dad. hug them tell them you love them and look past the indifference. I know this is a HUGE BLACK POT calling the KETTLE BLACK! but i can promise i forgive with my inlaws ( i will not longer call a few of them the "outlaws")  and look past offenses and i will grow and strengthen it was good enough for Christ to forgive us enough that he paid the biggest price.
Anyways, I just wanted to post this today it was on my heart and i dont know who reads this but if you read it and feel as i do thank you.

I feel like the title of my blog is really not accurate anymore i think it should be    ....Raising the Carters ( not limited to the children)
When all we think is that we are raising our children and teaching them all about life they are truly teaching us about living.
I LOVE my life! its a silly life but its mine.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

a new changing chapter

So i made the decision today to close my facebook account( or put it on hold for a while). I also start school tomorrow which i am so excited. I am very sure that i want to do this and get this done and out of the way i have to set my heart to it.

Shannon has taken a new job. I am very excited about this. Most of you who know me already know well enough that i am like a single mom in so many ways because i have to do it all with a husband that works all the time. I have so much to do and no time to do it in.
My heart belongs to God and my family this includes and is NOT limited to my spiritual family. I have some amazing spiritual family and physical family.
I am following my sisters Blog she just started and she is calling it "anchors of life" she has really made me see in just two of her posts what i take for granted and what my anchors are.
Sister if you ever read this they are God, my husband and children and my family (spiritual and physical-the ones that lift me and love me)
I am so blessed and grateful for my life and my love! I am truly touched by the love of our Saviour!
so i cant wait to get started on the new phase of our life!  I know that its about to get bumpy!
BUT i will have a husband home, and that alone is an answered prayer!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am missing my Mor-Kenzie my special three!

I am missing my Child something terrible but she is gone to bible camp and this is the last week of her summer before she is a fifth grader! I am so excited about what is unfolding for her.
She is such a great kiddo with such a spunk for life and her own style. I sure did not realize how much i would miss her until she was pulling away and gone. I think the biggest thing i miss is the comfort of her being here and knowing i tucked her in her warm bed and kissed her goodnight as i tip toed down the steps i could hear her faint prayers ascending to our Heavenly Father. She is such a gift!

I know that going to Bible camp will be a wonderful thing for her and she is my little baby butterfly growing up and spreading her wings. It is an honor but at the same time so sad to know that it has been almost eleven years since i brought her home and i remember the sweet day i looked at her for the first time i told my husband i said today shes here tomorrow school the next day grown up! Its so FAST!  She is so smart and pretty! This child can love beyond measure! She is gentle and sees the goodness in every thing. She once held a baby bird that was dying in her hand and kept it warm and allowed this bird the warmth and love she could give so the tiny bird could feel something someone to love them and know that life was worth living that is the child she is! That is the heart she has! She sobbed over the loss of this precious spiritless creature God designed for a purpose to just die here. She believes in goodness and LOVE. What a gift she has and has taught me!
Now if we could just do something about her common sense! teehee! I would not change a thing i would simply polish some things and allow her to shine as the diamond she is.
What a blessing she is in our lives.
All my children are!
Rheana!!!! oh this child is so precious! She is my honest relaxed child! I never thought i would say that but, She for a child has such wisdom beyond her years. Such a sweet spirit to her.
She is one of a kind and so unique and like her sister holds her own style with no regard for what ANYONE thinks of her!
She loves veyond the limits of anything any person could set! This child is truly a gift as her sister.
She has a touch with animals and a talent with seeing things for what they are.
I cant wait to see HER KICK MITO BUTT she does it everyday. I dont see a disabilty i see a child with ability.
she amazes me as all my children do!
Wyatt is a mess! There are no words to describe him. He has such a LOVE for People. He LOVES elderly and has a deep LOVE for our Saviour. He is an amazing little boy with such an incredible grin and a silly little wit.
He wants to love everyone and be a big man! He has an extreme LOVE for 18 wheelers and he aspires to be just like BRUDDER LAWRY ! Brother Larry is our Preacher at church and he wants to be a preacher and a fireman and drive trucks. He is going to be one busy man!
He is truly a special little man.
that cow lick is so cute and those deep eyes can just charm you.
He is currently taking applications for BFFS so far Brian Gray and Nanna are the special ones!
His buddies are Quick and Hunter.
He LOVES Alyssa at church and thinks Kayliegh Beth is silly he loves her too. He loves all his church family and he knows that he is special.
 While i THINK I am teaching my kids all about life they are truly teaching me. I feel so blessed to be a mother, wife, sister and daughter. Most importantly i am blessed that i am a christian!

Train up a child in the way he should go for when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
In Him and Christian love always,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

What an amazing Night!

Tonight we celebrated Kristy Grays 30th birthday. What an amazing event. This was a surprise party. She was so cute! What i caught of her... When they opened the door and we all yelled SURPRISE she was like "I wondered what everyone was doing here!" She is the cutest with the best personality.
We had a fun filled night of cake and  food and lots of amazing people. Wyatt and his buddy "Sick" (quick) played football for a little while on the play ground and i enjoyed watching that. Such sweet boys!
I enjoyed meeting a good deal of my business partners from Amway. I love the folks on our team!
I watched Noni make a new friend named Julius. He was so kind to my little Noni-pie.
We wanted to do both special things that are going on tonight in our spiritual fam. Emily is Nonis BFF and she is singing tonight at Joe Rays in Loganville she really wanted to go but her little body cant do it all. She has to learn her limits. She was asleep before 9pm really rolled around. Her T.P.N. is hung and her little body is resting very sweetly in her bed. She got her bath and played hard tonight.
We also had Hunter on tuesday! He is so much FUN! It made my heart sing to have him over for some play time! He is so sweet and we LOVE him so much!
Audrey came over and spent the night with us and we celebrated our one year union as a family. We have known of each other but... our physical fam is complicated. I dont think its worth sharing.
Please continue to pray for me and my family as we are still looking for shannon another job. He has been hunting FULL FORCE since Feb. He has been looking pretty hard since august last year but has been looking wide open since feb.
Please continue to pray for my strength so i can make all the right decisions in noni -pies health and the lord will provide a way for us to keep us here in our home where we feel we belong.
Our love runs deep for our physical and spiritual family and we want to stay here if the Lord sees it fit.
God bless you all and may you have an amazing night.
I am so blessed and God has sure blessed me richly.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome back Heather to your Blog!

OK so it has been forever! 2008 was when i created this! Can you believe that it has been that long since i thought about my blog? Anyways I just wanted to post and say Hi.
I am doing well and so are the three greatest kids i know. I will post more when i have time to sit down.