all of us dressed for festive times!

all of us dressed for festive times!
I LOVE my family!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update on my mom ( detailed)

OK so i am getting a lot of questions about my mom and i figured it was best to start here. I am a very medical technical person so if i am going way over your head please email and ask me to break it down.

Mom was admitted on Monday into the icu for low blood pressures and unconsciousness. There was a lot of concern as to what has happened to her. Upon admission into the ICU she had a code ( this means her heart and breathing were stopping and/or not functioning) They took several tubes of blood for testing. The findings are as follows:
Renal failure- kidneys this is due to a UTI and the infection within her blood.
Liver failure-liver
Bowel obstruction-unknown cause
and later to be identified as psuedo-obstruction with Ilias - this means she had no known cause but her bowels thought they were obstructed and would not do its functions.
She has had several units of blood since the beginning of June.
She has severe intestinal bloating and she has blood pooling and leaking around the collateral vessels in her lower tummy region.  We were told monday she would die without surgery and could die with it. So we are still waiting for her to prove them WRONG!  so far she is. She has an ng tube for decompressing her stomach and has got two more units of blood yesterday.  She is on oxygen, iv fluids for hydration, and meds for her blood pressures.

She is  lethargic and unresponsive for the most part she does not recognize anyone and if she does you cant be 100% sure that she truly did.
She is growing ecoli in her urine cultures, she is growing something in two wound cultures ( not sure yet has not been identified)
She is CRITICAL with stable vitals. She sadly is HIGHLY allergic to the one med that would cure the infection in her body.
She has a resistant E coli which is NOT a good thing considering the one drug that can help her can kill her.
She is very sick and not even close to out of the woods. She is so vacant in her eyes, so lost in her body and mind.
She needs to recover and what will her quality be like with this? we don't know we have to wait and see... We have requested a neurologist to come in and a team of doctors to come in and do an assessment of her.
I don't know what to say. I am lost without her smile, Her stubborn ways ;), Her love for my children and the silly little things she does. How she gets so excited and seeing Wyatt smile,Noni's bashful grin, and my preteen that is challenging me every step of whatever walk we are taking. There is sooo much life left for her to live and she needs to recover so we can;
A get her hernia repaired
B get her on her feet with new knee and get the other one done

She is an amazing person and she is a blessing to so many. What an encouragment she is!

I am on bedrest so its hard for me right now to see her but i am going as much as possible. Dad needs to know he is NOT alone and he has so many around to love him and lift him in prayer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
I love all of you for everything you do and pray for. I hope one day that i can give to you all the way you have me.
I emotionally being pregnant am not handling this well at all. I dont talk to many ppl and its not to be rude or leave you out but its me trying to remain calm, take care of my son within, to remain stable for my family, I am the Glue and i will continue to bond and do my job.
i am holding hard to one of my favorite scriptures,
isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I know God is there and he hears us all. He is our strength and our comfort.
Thank you so much for reading and stopping by i will blog and update often.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Where do I begin…

I guess I need to start in November  2010 because that is kind of the last post I made. We as a family have had lots of many changes. We have had lost a lot and gained a lot. We are grateful for every step in our lives as it has made us stronger..

So onto the holidays, we spent them alone by choice. We had a flu going around the  family and we knew that for Noni and her health it was best for everyone exposed to stay away. We did not do it to hurt anyone but we did what we knew was best for Noni.

December we had an amazing white Christmas evening. We also did not know or plan to realize that our lives were about to change drastically for the better.

December 27, 2010 I was feeling a little under the weather. I could not shake it. My wonderful best friend who is also my partner decided to lock the jeep in 4x4 and go to the local dollar general and buy a few specific tests for me to take. When I took the first one it was a dud. Then I took the second one and guess what        YUP you guessed it +!!!! We had a positive pregnancy test.

For those of you who truly know me this was NOT part of the plan. I have been told that it was practically impossible for me to ever carry or conceive again! Well, HAHAHAHA! God is always the one with the final plan! I never felt done and never felt like I was ready to close that chapter of our lives. My amazing husband more so than I was he has since Wyatt was around two just truly wanted one more. I have several medical issues that would have or so I was told would prevent me from ever being a mommy again. I talked this over with very few people that are close to me and decided that if God chose to close my womb than he would and if I was supposed to have another then I would. Dont get me wrong i am so grateful and excited i cant describe the blessing it is to have another baby.

I was very shocked at first. I was not sure what to do I cried, smiled, and prayed. I was for sure very selfish at that moment in my life and I have since repented for that. God knows me and my heart and knew that my nursing career can wait a little while longer. I have NOTHING more important to do than first being a child of God and second serving as a wife and mom. I enjoy my family and I cannot express how blessed I truly am.

So, we are about to welcome a BRAND NEW SON into the world!!!  

So my mom…

 She found out in February that we are expecting very few knew of our exciting news we wanted to be sure that this was going to be ok and not a tragic loss for us early on. Mom decided that she could not take her pain anymore and she went to Dr. Jove and decided that she liked his plan for a knee replacement.

On march 21 she had her knee done little did we know it was going to be a disaster. She got some mental side effects from the meds she was on thus leaving her a mess for two weeks and coding. She then contracted a staph infection called Toxic shock syndrome. ( I know gross right!) my poor mom went through her second knee surgery leaving her with a knee that would soon to be replaced. Right around easter she was released for a little while and one of the staff at the hospital dropped my mom on the threshold of the van and damaged the tendon and it was terrible for her she had no movement that was not painful  not to mention infection was NUTS again. So she faced another surgery where her knee was removed completely and she was bed bound for weeks and now she just had her fourth surgery to replace the knee and thus far growing staph again. She has had several blood transfusions and she is still in pain and so tired of this. She keeps asking me if she is going to be ok. I tell her of course she will. We have to keep encouraging her to heal and think positive so she can be home for the new baby!!! That has to be something she works and want to work for! I know my mom and how much she loves the children! She can do it! To see her grands is to breathe!  She is still in the hospital.

School for me was not a choice to continue I have once again had to do so much alone and I did not have anyone to help with my children  full time so I could continue and day care for three!!! Ohhhh man that is not even an option for me I was three classes from starting my clinical. Its ok though because God has a plan for me and I am looking forward to serve him and so what I am needed to do.

I will be going back as soon as I can. I miss the school time and my time being a student.

I have been taking sewing lessons from a very special sister at church. I think she is so amazing. She has taught me so much but not only that I love being with her and she is such a blessing in my life. She out of the love In her heart sewed the entire nursery for our son. She loves my family and I feel like she has kind of adopted us. I wish she could! She is like a grandmother to my kids and a second mom to me. She has given me so much and I don’t think she realizes it. Her entire family has blessed me so much.

We have recently acquired a pop up camper and went camping with me this PREGNANT yes it was HOT and yes I was happy but grumpy. LOL I enjoyed every minute of it even though I did not seem like it. I was so blessed to be at a camping trip with the Carters!

There is so much more I want to blog about but I cant bring myself to open the wounds again.

MaKenzie is now a middle school kid! Wow that’s so insane to me! Noni is in fourth grade and wy will be in pre k!

Wow where has the time gone.

Well this I know was supposed to be a catch up blog but as I type and erase over three times I am emotionally drained. 

To my sisters who have stuck beside me and lifted me in prayer and given me so much you know who you are and I am so grateful that you are there for me. I love you so much and don’t know what I would do without you!

Thank you for reading and taking the time to stop by. I don’t know if this catches me up but there is way more I need to post I just cant yet. Therapy is no longer school for me so I scrapbook and make hair bows as well as paint. I seriously need to blog! It will help I am sure.

I did fail to mention that pregnancy and baby are super healthy! Something I can not ever recall claiming. I cant wait to nurse this baby don’t get me wrong the time I have left is cherished but I will be so happy to hold him!

long over due!

I am going to post a long blog very soon. Since my last post there are lots i need to post and write about its going to take me hours to catch this up but i need too. To my sister in law Cassie thank you for checking my blog sorry i have not posted! I love you!