all of us dressed for festive times!

all of us dressed for festive times!
I LOVE my family!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

I am missing my Mor-Kenzie my special three!

I am missing my Child something terrible but she is gone to bible camp and this is the last week of her summer before she is a fifth grader! I am so excited about what is unfolding for her.
She is such a great kiddo with such a spunk for life and her own style. I sure did not realize how much i would miss her until she was pulling away and gone. I think the biggest thing i miss is the comfort of her being here and knowing i tucked her in her warm bed and kissed her goodnight as i tip toed down the steps i could hear her faint prayers ascending to our Heavenly Father. She is such a gift!

I know that going to Bible camp will be a wonderful thing for her and she is my little baby butterfly growing up and spreading her wings. It is an honor but at the same time so sad to know that it has been almost eleven years since i brought her home and i remember the sweet day i looked at her for the first time i told my husband i said today shes here tomorrow school the next day grown up! Its so FAST!  She is so smart and pretty! This child can love beyond measure! She is gentle and sees the goodness in every thing. She once held a baby bird that was dying in her hand and kept it warm and allowed this bird the warmth and love she could give so the tiny bird could feel something someone to love them and know that life was worth living that is the child she is! That is the heart she has! She sobbed over the loss of this precious spiritless creature God designed for a purpose to just die here. She believes in goodness and LOVE. What a gift she has and has taught me!
Now if we could just do something about her common sense! teehee! I would not change a thing i would simply polish some things and allow her to shine as the diamond she is.
What a blessing she is in our lives.
All my children are!
Rheana!!!! oh this child is so precious! She is my honest relaxed child! I never thought i would say that but, She for a child has such wisdom beyond her years. Such a sweet spirit to her.
She is one of a kind and so unique and like her sister holds her own style with no regard for what ANYONE thinks of her!
She loves veyond the limits of anything any person could set! This child is truly a gift as her sister.
She has a touch with animals and a talent with seeing things for what they are.
I cant wait to see HER KICK MITO BUTT she does it everyday. I dont see a disabilty i see a child with ability.
she amazes me as all my children do!
Wyatt is a mess! There are no words to describe him. He has such a LOVE for People. He LOVES elderly and has a deep LOVE for our Saviour. He is an amazing little boy with such an incredible grin and a silly little wit.
He wants to love everyone and be a big man! He has an extreme LOVE for 18 wheelers and he aspires to be just like BRUDDER LAWRY ! Brother Larry is our Preacher at church and he wants to be a preacher and a fireman and drive trucks. He is going to be one busy man!
He is truly a special little man.
that cow lick is so cute and those deep eyes can just charm you.
He is currently taking applications for BFFS so far Brian Gray and Nanna are the special ones!
His buddies are Quick and Hunter.
He LOVES Alyssa at church and thinks Kayliegh Beth is silly he loves her too. He loves all his church family and he knows that he is special.
 While i THINK I am teaching my kids all about life they are truly teaching me. I feel so blessed to be a mother, wife, sister and daughter. Most importantly i am blessed that i am a christian!

Train up a child in the way he should go for when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
In Him and Christian love always,

Saturday, July 17, 2010

What an amazing Night!

Tonight we celebrated Kristy Grays 30th birthday. What an amazing event. This was a surprise party. She was so cute! What i caught of her... When they opened the door and we all yelled SURPRISE she was like "I wondered what everyone was doing here!" She is the cutest with the best personality.
We had a fun filled night of cake and  food and lots of amazing people. Wyatt and his buddy "Sick" (quick) played football for a little while on the play ground and i enjoyed watching that. Such sweet boys!
I enjoyed meeting a good deal of my business partners from Amway. I love the folks on our team!
I watched Noni make a new friend named Julius. He was so kind to my little Noni-pie.
We wanted to do both special things that are going on tonight in our spiritual fam. Emily is Nonis BFF and she is singing tonight at Joe Rays in Loganville she really wanted to go but her little body cant do it all. She has to learn her limits. She was asleep before 9pm really rolled around. Her T.P.N. is hung and her little body is resting very sweetly in her bed. She got her bath and played hard tonight.
We also had Hunter on tuesday! He is so much FUN! It made my heart sing to have him over for some play time! He is so sweet and we LOVE him so much!
Audrey came over and spent the night with us and we celebrated our one year union as a family. We have known of each other but... our physical fam is complicated. I dont think its worth sharing.
Please continue to pray for me and my family as we are still looking for shannon another job. He has been hunting FULL FORCE since Feb. He has been looking pretty hard since august last year but has been looking wide open since feb.
Please continue to pray for my strength so i can make all the right decisions in noni -pies health and the lord will provide a way for us to keep us here in our home where we feel we belong.
Our love runs deep for our physical and spiritual family and we want to stay here if the Lord sees it fit.
God bless you all and may you have an amazing night.
I am so blessed and God has sure blessed me richly.